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Our Face - A Map of Imbalances Brewing Inside - By Corey Muzik, NHT, CPT

Our bodies are truly a masterpiece of creation. Think about all the millions of functions that a body does each and every single day, from our nervous system involuntarily causing our heart to beat and lungs to take in oxygen, to our internal temperature rising and inducing a fever to fight off illness. Our body is always going to battle for us, striving for optimal health and displaying signs of imbalance, if we know what to look for.

One way the body displays imbalance is through our skin. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the skin is considered the third kidney. It is labeled as such because, like the kidneys, it helps us to detoxify and eliminate. In fact, the skin is our biggest organ of elimination. It would make sense, then, to look for clues to imbalances in our internal environment on our external environment: our skin – namely, the face. The face is, essentially, a map of our internal body, much like feet and hand reflexology.  The area below the eyes corresponds with our kidneys and between the eyebrows is the liver zone. The laugh lines on the face point to the large intestines and the central forehead zone showcases the small intestines. One might notice rashes, moles, skin tags, or discoloration in certain zones of their face that just won’t go away or reappearing often. This is a huge clue that our body is showing us and could point to an imbalance in a certain organ or organ system.


If this is you, don’t fret.  Your marvelous body is outwardly “speaking” and giving you insights to the mysteries inside. Call me today at 734-302-7575 and set up an appointment. I can help you determine the underlying cause of your skin signs and help you find a remedy!



Corey Muzik, NHT, CPT 
     Natural Health 

    3 R Health - Reset/Restore/Rebuild






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